티스토리 뷰


I ate lamb at home.

육아ing 2017. 3. 6. 15:30
I just ate my lamb at home.

I can not eat lamb outside often.

I only tried it a few times,

It's the first time I've eaten at home, not outside. ^^

I did not separate the sauce.

I was so bakeed.

I used to think that lamb was a little strong in the past.

No smell at all, soft and delicious!

Even if you eat meat at home,

There are times when we eat parts like necklaces.

It was so different from eating lamb this way ^ ^

It's nice to grab a bone and eat it.

I do not know if it's well baked.

The bone attached to the bone is also very torn. ^^

The lamb's fat is even more tender, and it looks better.

Lambs have abdominal pain relief and immunity,

It is good for diabetes and anemia.

The lamb also contains vitamin B1

Good for stress.

It is known as a good food for restoring fatigue

There are a lot of people who want to regain energy.

If you look at the efficacy of mutton, it helps diuretic

Calcium, and phosphorus, which are good for osteoporosis.

He says he can help you lose weight.

I think it would be good for diet food ^^

It's a source that looks like soy sauce.

This source is not soy sauce.

If you eat lamb and eat more delicious ^ ^

It was the story that ate lamb at home until now !!


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