요즘 은행금리가 낮아지면서, 적금을 할 맛도 별로 나지않던차에, 렌딧 이라는걸 알게되었어요. P2P 개인신용대출투자를 오래전부터 관심있어하기는했는데, 위험성도 있고해서 시도를 못해보다가, 적은 돈으로 한 번 해보고싶어져서 시험삼아서 해보기로했습니다. 블로그에 수익현황을 기록 하면서, 실제 수익이 되는지 아니면 P2P 개인신용 대출투자 가 위험한 것인지 느껴보려고 합니다. 저는 오늘(2017.09.06) 렌딧에 처음으로 회원가입을 합니다. 회원가입 부터 차근차근 진행해보겠습니다. 검색창에 렌딧 이라고 입력하니 브랜드 검색에 랜딩이 나오네요. P2P 개인신용 대출투자 1위 렌딧 이라는 글씨가 보입니다. 5천원 부터 소액투자가 가능하다고 써있습니다. 홈페이지에 들어가면, 3천만원을 24개월 동안 빌린다면, 월..
Mimatsu bakery I heard many stories that corn bread is so delicious, I heard a lot of stories about buying and eating in the neighborhood in the vicinity, but I had not had the opportunity to buy and eat the company rather than bother to bother. However, my colleague of the company went out for a while but I bought it on the way home, so I did not see it finally eating! The name was the shape to..
I went out with my wife It was the day I wanted to have a drink with ice americano. It's too far to go to a coffee shop. I drank coffee at the nearby Paris Baguette ^^ I ordered ice americano My wife ordered an ice latte and drank. When I arrived at the Baguette in Paris, I could smell the bread so delicious. I ordered one simple bread and I ate it. Ice americano looked like this. Holders are ma..
I think Kinder Chocolate has a wide variety. Some products contain toys, I also saw the boxed product, I have an individually wrapped product and saw it. Kinder Chocolate Mini is packed individually There are a total of 22 Kinder Chocolate Minis. The capacity is 132g, and the calories are 810kcal. In front of the wrapping paper, you can see what the The middle part is made transparent. ^^ At the..
I am often in a bad situation. So if you see a yogurt product, I am making a purchase when I make a discount. I've never been able to eat the Activia yogurt, which is good for me. I finally got a discount and I tasted it. Activia Yogurt has bought four. I heard a lot of good things in the chapter, I wanted to buy it, but it was a discount. Plain yogurt seemed to be better for some reason I perso..
I really like the ham type. Especially if you do not have cooking skills. It's delicious even if you only eat it on a frying pan. It is because it is good with rice side dish, and with side dish ^^ I went to Mart this time I bought Chungjungwon Bulgogi Vienna! Bulgogi in Vienna I have bought it for the most affordable product for quantity and quantity. It was cheaper than other products. I saw t..
Not long ago, I spent some time alone on the weekend At lunch time, I went to the Burger King Incheon Operations Center I ate Supreme cheese set ^^ Burger King Incheon Operation Store. I went to homeplus because there was a lot of work to do It's kind of like eating alone at a restaurant. The hamburger suddenly wants to eat too much. I decided to eat by choosing menu ^^ The Burger King Incheon o..
From the old days, I heard a lot about ppalppal hot dog. I've just eaten! I ate with chocolate banana juice I'm a late hotdog ^^ I ate my first peppermint hot dog. I ordered it by delivery. I could not do it myself, either. With the appearance of a cute hot dog In the shape of bread, It has been delivered. The size was not bigger than I expected. It was the appearance of sugar lightly ^ ^ If you..
It was a lively afternoon when I was working in the company. It's about 3 to 4 p.m. I took some snack time with the staff. With a falcon hot dog I first ate jujube chocolate banana juice ^^ In the afternoon, I want to eat something sweet I chose the chocolate banana among juice fresh juice juice. It contains bananas with choco. It was really sweet and delicious. There is a juice in the basement ..
우리나라는 서민들이 참 살기 힘든나라같아요. 서민들은 월급이 뻔하니 각종 세금들도 어마어마하게 많이 내는 것 같은데, 모르고있다가 여차하면 과태료를 내야하는 일도 생각보다 많이 생길 수 있어서 살기가 더 빡빡한듯 해요ㅠㅠ 기업 법정의무교육을 안받으면 과태료가 있다는 소식을 듣고, 오늘은 그 부분을 자세하게 알려드리려고해요! "어? 교육 들었으니 상관없네?" 라고 생각하실 수 있는데요. 실제로 들은 것이 맞는지, 정확히 확인하실 필요도 있을 것 같아요. 이런 사소한 일로 과태료를 내는건 너무 아까우니까요ㅠㅠ 확인하고 교육상담해보실 수 있는 사이트도 안내드려요. ▶교육확인 및 무료상담 신청하기◀ 분기마다 1회, 1년에 1회를 기업 법정의무교육을 받아야 하는 것도 있다보니, 올해에 들으셨는지 잘 따져보고 신청..
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